The Sensitive Flame: How Room Temperature and Humidity Affect Scented Candles

At PUNKS & PEACOCKS, we understand that the performance of scented candles is not only about their composition but also about the environment in which they are used. Room temperature and humidity can significantly influence how candles burn and release fragrance. This blog post explores the natural reactions of scented candles to changes in room temperature and humidity, providing insights into achieving the best possible experience from your candles.

1. Impact of Room Temperature on Candle Performance

Melting Point Variations
Scented candles, typically made from materials like soy, beeswax, or paraffin, have specific melting points. In warmer conditions, candles may soften, which can cause them to burn faster and less efficiently. This softening can also lead to uneven burning and dripping, potentially shortening the candle's life.

Fragrance Release
Higher room temperatures can enhance the fragrance release, making the scent more prominent. However, if the candle burns too quickly due to heat, it may reduce the overall longevity of the fragrance throw over time.

2. Effects of Humidity on Candle Burning

Combustion Efficiency
High humidity levels can impact the efficiency of candle combustion. Moisture in the air can be absorbed into the wick, which makes it harder to burn and may result in a weaker flame or difficulty in lighting the candle.

Soot Production
Humidity, coupled with temperature variations, can increase the likelihood of soot production. Excess moisture in the air can cause incomplete combustion of the wax and fragrance oils, leading to black soot deposits on the candle jar, walls, or other surfaces near the candle.

3. Best Practices for Candle Use in Various Environments

Ideal Temperature and Humidity Levels
For optimal candle performance, maintaining a room temperature of around 70°F (21°C) and a relative humidity level between 40% and 60% is recommended. These conditions help ensure that the candle burns cleanly and evenly, maximizing both scent throw and burn time.

Storage Tips
Store candles in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Extreme temperatures and high humidity can warp the wax and degrade the fragrance oils, affecting the overall quality and performance of the candle when lit.

Candle Placement
When burning a candle, place it in an area away from drafts, heat sources, and direct airflow from air conditioners or humidifiers, which can alter flame behavior and affect how the candle burns.

4. Understanding and Adjusting for Environmental Factors

Monitoring Environmental Changes
Being aware of how seasonal changes affect indoor temperature and humidity can help you adjust your candle use. For example, during humid summer months, you might choose to burn candles less frequently or for shorter periods.

Choosing the Right Candles for Your Environment
Some candles are better suited for specific environmental conditions. For instance, thicker wicks and harder wax compositions might perform better in humid conditions.


The subtle art of enjoying scented candles is greatly influenced by the environment in which they are used. By understanding how room temperature and humidity affect candle performance, you can enhance your experience and prolong the life of your candles. At PUNKS & PEACOCKS, we are committed to helping you get the most out of your candles by providing products that adapt well to varying environmental conditions and by educating our customers on the best practices for candle care.