Clearing the Air: The Impact of Phthalates in Scented Candle Fragrances

At PUNKS & PEACOCKS, we prioritize the health and safety of our customers, which is why we are committed to crafting candles that not only enhance environments but also maintain a safe home atmosphere. Phthalates, often discussed in the context of plastics, are also prevalent in various other products, including scented candles. This blog post dives into what phthalates are, why they are used in scented candles, their potential health risks, and why choosing phthalate-free candles is crucial for a healthier lifestyle.

1. Understanding Phthalates

Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable and are also commonly used as solvents in fragrances. In scented candles, phthalates are often found in fragrance oils to help the scent last longer and bind the fragrance to the wax.

2. Phthalates in Candle Fragrances

Why Are Phthalates Used?
Phthalates in candles enhance the longevity and stability of the fragrance during the burning process. They help the scent permeate the room more effectively, making them a popular choice for non-natural scented candles.

Health Concerns
Phthalates have been linked to a variety of health issues, including hormonal disruptions, reproductive problems, and increased risk of asthma and allergies. These concerns have led to increased scrutiny and regulation in various industries, though their use remains widespread in fragrances due to lax regulations in this area.

3. The Shift to Phthalate-Free Candles

Rising Consumer Awareness
As awareness of phthalates and their potential risks has grown, more consumers are seeking out phthalate-free products, prompting manufacturers to reconsider their formulations.

Benefits of Phthalate-Free Candles
Opting for phthalate-free candles means reducing exposure to chemicals that can volatilize when the candle burns, potentially leading to indoor air pollution and health risks. Phthalate-free candles are generally considered safer, particularly for households with children, elderly people, or those with chronic health issues.

4. Identifying and Choosing Phthalate-Free Candles

Reading Labels Carefully
To ensure you are choosing phthalate-free candles, read the product labels and packaging descriptions carefully. Look for candles that are specifically marked as "phthalate-free."

Supporting Transparent Brands
Choose brands that are transparent about their fragrance ingredients and committed to using safer alternatives. These companies often market their products as being free from not only phthalates but also other potentially harmful chemicals.

5. Our Commitment to Non-Toxic Products

At PUNKS & PEACOCKS, we ensure that our candles are free from harmful chemicals, including phthalates. We use natural fragrance oils or phthalate-free synthetic fragrances to provide a safe, enjoyable experience without compromising on quality or performance.


The discussion surrounding phthalates in scented candles is crucial for informed consumer choices. By choosing phthalate-free candles, you can enjoy the beauty and ambiance they offer while keeping your home environment safe and healthy. At PUNKS & PEACOCKS, we are proud to lead the way in offering products that support both your well-being and love for beautifully scented spaces.